Participants in our Aytzeem (7th grade) and High School program explore components of the Holocaust, participate in our Coming of Age During the Holocaust, Coming of Age Now curriculum where they listen to testimonies of those that were 12 and 13 during the time of the war.
8th-12th grade groups will continue with a grade-level core class taught by the clergy and a choice of diverse electives based on three tracks: Omanut (Arts and Culture), Manheegoot (Leadership) and Tikkun Olam (Social Action). Our 8th and 9th grade groups will also participate in the Moving Traditions curriculum. This curriculum gathers males and females together on a monthly basis and explore topics related to each gender through a Jewish lens. Our 10th-12th grade will also prepare and facilitate a learning opportunity for their peers. 10th Grade Confirmation participants can especially look forward to their trip to Washington, DC in January 2014 for a weekend of learning about political action, enjoying the sights of Washington and lobbying on Capitol Hill.
Eleventh and Twelfth graders participate in Post-Confirmation class. This class is an opportunity for our older students to engage in serious conversations with the clergy. Topics include comparative religion, body ethics, Israel and preparation for college. Twelfth Grade culminates with a Graduation Service created by the students and clergy.