

Shabbat Evening

For thousands of years, Jews have been greeting the beginning of the Sabbath by coming together in the synagogue. Friday nights are filled with a sense of leaving the week behind–shedding the stresses of work and responsibilities and the frenetic schedule of running around. On Shabbat evening, we join each other as the soul is replenished, renewed and rejuvenated.

Because of our diverse membership and traditions, Temple Israel offers several kinds of services on Friday nights. All services, however, are open to everyone who wishes to come and pray: young and old, members and visitors, experienced worshippers and those who are experimenting. Come one, come all.

Throughout each month, we offer a range of dynamic, engaging and uplifting Shabbat evening services.  These services blend the best elements of traditional Jewish worship with modern approaches to prayer. Each service includes inspiring music, Torah-centered learning opportunities and wonderful communal experiences.

Once each month, we have a family service. This service includes child-friendly, but adult appropriate music, led by our cantor as well as our youth choir, Kol Simcha (Voice of Joy). In lieu of a sermon, one of the clergy tells a fun, message-filled story in an informal manner. Prayers on these evenings are read from a special family service in our prayerbook.

We offer on certain Friday nights called Community Shabbat. This service begins at 6 pm and is jammed packed with inspiration and spirit. The service is filled with joyous, participatory music, a mini, informal learning session, and wonderful cross section of our entire community – all in under an hour.  The community gathers for our Shabbat Dinner following the service, which brings together all the best elements of a family Shabbat dinner: great food, a full open bar, wonderful friends and family.

All are invited to the services, but please RSVP to the Community Shabbat dinners so that we can accommodate for seating and food. Call (914) 235-1800.

Shabbat Morning

With its Torah service, life cycle events, special prayers and full liturgy, the Shabbat morning service is where it all happens in the synagogue. The Saturday morning experience is all about the community. That is why we read the Torah: so that all can hear. That is why we celebrate baby namings and b’nei mitvah: so that all can celebrate. That is why we most fully celebrate holidays and special times of year: so that all can participate in these unique rituals. For all these reasons, and more, the Shabbat morning service has been the highlight of the Jewish week.

Our services begin at 9 am each Shabbat and include a Torah reading, D’var Torah (explanative sermonette on the Torah reading) and additional life cycle events such as baby namings, b’nei mitzvah and special blessings for unique occasions. For B’nei Mitzvah celebrations, the service begins at 10:30 am. Shabbat services are listed on the homepage of this website.

Hearing Impaired

Temple Israel is sensitive to the needs of the deaf community. To that end, we have set aside funds for ASL (American Sign Language) interpretation of High Holy Days services, Friday night Shabbat services, and social programs. TINR is dedicated to doing everything possible to enable deaf congregants to participate in Jewish worship, traditions, and activities, and to feel connected at our Temple.

If you would like ASL interpretation for a specific event or service, please contact the Temple Israel office at (914) 235-1800.