

Temple Israel proudly boasts one of the most successful youth programs in the area. All youth activities are planned with one goal in mind: to help participants connect to their Temple community. Our four programs serve students in grades 2 – 7 through high school with various social, religious, and community service events throughout the year. Children and teens are able to develop lifelong friendships with their Temple peers, as well as students from other communities in the Greater New York area and around the country. While most activities are designed for each age bracket independently, several events bring the various groups together for unique social opportunities. Generous grants and scholarships allow students to attend Jewish summer programs to deepen their Jewish soul.

Programs at Temple Israel

Club 23, Club 45 and Club 67 are Temple Israel’s Youth Groups for 2nd – 3rd, 4th – 5th, and 6th – 7th grades respectively. A variety of activities emphasizes the social and fun aspects of Temple life, as well as a taste of the religious.

TIFTY, the Temple Israel Federation of Temple Youth, invites the high school students to self-manage, giving students greater autonomy and opportunities to participate in planning events. This includes a teen board of students from each grade all working together.

Many students also choose to participate in the regional Youth Group for Reform Jewish teens, NFTY-NAR, which sponsors three seasonal weekend retreats, week-long events in Manhattan, and the biennial national NFTY Convention.

URJ Summer Camp

Grades 3-9

The Reform movement sponsors twelve overnight summer camps around the country. Most students from Temple Israel attend one of the two camps located in the Berkshire region of Massachusetts.  Activities include traditional camp activities like soccer, swimming, arts and crafts, and drama, but students have the chance to participate in unique Jewish learning and living opportunities not available at the Temple. Scholarships and grants from the Temple, as well as outside donors help supplement the costs.

Grades 9-12

High school students who are too old to attend traditional summer camps have the opportunity to participate in programs offered by the Reform movement:

  • Mitzvah Corps is for high school students interested in having the meaningful and exciting summer experience of engaging in community service projects in a particular community. Sites include San Francisco, Costa Rica, New Orleans, Israel, New Brunswick, NJ (Rutgers campus), and Warwick, NY (Kutz Teen Campus).
  • Kutz Teen Campus is a fun and exciting high school age environment where Reform Jewish teens can learn invaluable skills to better themselves as leaders in their home communities. The summer program, the NFTY Leadership Experience, is designed for students who are looking for a challenging, intense experience.