The Library at Temple Israel

A Death in Cornwall,
by Daniel Silva

Daniel Silva has written another action-packed thriller of international intrigue. Gabriel Allon confronts a powerful and dangerous adversary in this new novel with a brutal murder and a missing masterpiece that he is implored to solve. Another fast and suspenseful read!

Reserve this book, or others, ONLINE, by clicking here!

Lolita at Leonard’s of Great Neck and Other Stories from the Before Times,
by Shira Dicker

With great insight and authentic detail these compelling tales will take you on an immersive journey from 1974 to the 2000’s. These Jewish characters wrestle with identity and independence that will capture your heart. Heartbreaking and sometimes hilarious, their stories disclose and document what it meant to be American, Jewish, and female.

Reserve this book, or others, ONLINE, by clicking here!

The library is open every day at Temple Israel. If you would like to borrow a book, please fill out the card in the back, and leave on the desk!

Are you interested in other books? Or, searching for something? Then click here if you want to peruse ONLINE!

Please come and explore with us!