Mitzvah Season 2021-ONGOING FOR THE YEAR!


January 1, 2021 - June 30, 2021    
All Day

Event Type

Mitzvah Day is Mitzvah Season…but we’re still doing Mitzvahs! Join us!

What about Mitzvah Day?
The SAC is developing projects for a “Mitzvah Season” by creating activities that can be completed at home on your own and via ZOOM as a community. These projects will begin to launch in January.

Why are we waiting for January when there is so much need?
It is after the holidays that we hope to give support where it is most needed. During the holiday season non-profit organizations are inundated with much needed support but come February and March, donations and pantries often begin to dry up. Given the current situation, we want to ensure that we are working year-round to support these organizations.

What are some of the FOUR projects still in the works?

1. Cook for a Cause: Marilyn Morris cooks regularly for HOPE Community Services or Community Service Associates. If you are interested in helping, please click to contact Marilyn Morris to learn more.

2. Toiletry Kits: include personal hygiene items and laundry detergent. We need a leader for this project.

CLOSED Project Linus!

4. Smiles for the Homebound: packaging rugelach, tea, and a homemade card to deliver to some of our own congregants. Judy Siegel is project leader.

5. Succulents and Cards: decorate a flat of succulents and make homemade cards to deliver to local nursing homes (coordinated by Deb Blatt)

How can you help with Mitzvah Season?
Please step up to lead a project! Email SocialAction if you are interested or have an idea for a project.

Amy Ecker: or (917) 348-2301
Mia Egelberg: or (914) 629-2794