Register for a package for BOTH VIRTUAL TOURS of Israel, run by Israeli tour guides from “Israel is Beautiful”*
These tours will be offered:
(1) in person at the Temple, with other members and friends (w/bagels & coffee) or …
(2) from home/offsite
Different tour topics will be available on TWO Sunday mornings:
April 16
The Bible as History: A Survey of Three Biblical Sites in Israel
The Four Holy Cities of Judaism
Fee (includes viewing BOTH tours):
•Per Individual/Couple: $36, in-person live video streaming tour at Temple Israel, beginning at 10 am (with bagels & coffee)
•Per Household Streaming registration: $25, streaming tour begins at 10:30 am
Click to register for BOTH videos package.
“At home registration viewers” will receive a link to view.
Please share your email in the form, so organizers can reach out.
Questions? Contact Penny Eickemeyer
* visit for more information