High Holy Days 5783 • 2022 APPEAL


October 18, 2022 - October 31, 2022    
All Day

Event Type

Please click! High Holy Days APPEAL

Dear Temple Israel Family,

As we celebrate this New Year and take time to reflect on our past, we once again, commit ourselves to being a better version of ourselves. As we always do on Rosh Hashanah, we reach out to you at this time of the year and ask for you to go a step beyond your basic pledge and reaffirm your commitment to the future of our Temple.

For 115 years, Temple Israel of New Rochelle has depended on us, our Temple Family, to support our Reform Jewish community in spirituality, social action, education, community involvement, and in being a place to gather to celebrate and console each other in times of tragedy and loss.

Your enhanced commitment and generosity to Temple helps enable us to care for the broad needs of our community and teach our children the values that Reform Judaism holds dear.

We have an important responsibility. Our support for Temple Israel is an investment, not only in the here and now of our community, but also in its future. Just as past generations provided for our Temple family by planning and investing for us, our investment today will make a difference for generations to come.

We are all responsible for one another, Kol Yisrael aravim zeh l’zeh.

While financial support is crucial, so is participation. During the High Holy Days, we are also asking that you take your interests, and expertise, and join a Temple committee. To make this easy, we will be providing signup sheets with descriptions of the many committees and their activities. You will also find an online form at www.tinr.org/committees. On Thursday October 13th, the Board will host a reception in the Sukkah, where you will get to meet, mingle, and express your thoughts with us and our committee chairs. Please, join us in getting to know your Board members and discovering ways you can participate in our future. 

I encourage you to reach out to me at blheaps@gmail.com, or call me on my cell phone at (914) 393-8763, to discuss becoming more involved and shaping the future for generations of Temple Israel. You can also contact Anita Aronoff, our Executive Director (at AnitaAronoff@tinr.org), or any member of the Board, as we are available to discuss and foster community involvement, and are here to listen to and support members of our community.

Thank you

Shanah tovah um’tukah! – May you have a good and sweet new year!
L’Shana Tovah tikatevu! – May you be inscribed for a good year!

Tizku l’shaneem rabots! – May you merit many years!

With sincere gratitude, and blessings for the New Year to come.

Brian Heaps
President, Temple Israel of New Rochelle

Please click! High Holy Days APPEAL