Chavaya / Religious School

Chavaya / Religious School

Chavaya / Religious School Registration 

Fee Schedule / Meeting Times

Chavaya, the Religious School at Temple Israel in New Rochelle, is a fun, caring, and welcoming Jewish experience for children and families in Kindergarten-12th grade. Children have an engaging outlet to explore Judaism through spirituality, history, holidays, and values. At Temple Israel we live our Jewish values in our worship, celebration, lifelong learning and Tikkun Olam—the repair of the world.

Temple Israel believes that:

  1. Our participants have a divine spark, B’tzelem Elohim, that makes them special.
  2. Areyvuut, Cooperation and communal responsibility is at the core of what we do as Jews.
  3. Creating friendships and a sacred Kehillah (community) helps our children foster meaningful relationships.
  4. Performing acts of Tikkun Olam to improve our world helps our children understand the importance of being a Mench, a good person.
  5. Our study of Talmud Torah, Jewish tradition, needs to be meaningful and relevant to our learners.

Tuesdays from 4-6pm:
Kindergarten-7th grade

Tuesdays from 6:15-8pm: 8th-12th grade

Thursdays from 4-6pm: 3rd-6th grade













Click on the image for a pdf.

Rebecca Elkus-Ferst is the Director of Education: Youth & Families who leads Chavaya / Religious School, as well as leading Judaic lessons in our own Kehillah / Nursery-PreSchool. To learn about Rebecca’s strengths in Education, while leading Chavaya, please click here.

Frequently Asked Questions!